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Updated March 20, 2025

What to expect on the journey to a diagnosis

Getting a diagnosis is important as it tells your doctor if you have acute lymphoblastic leukemia as opposed to another condition. If an acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosis is made, it can be used to predict how quickly the disease might progress and how it may respond to certain treatments.

Diagnostic techniques can also show what subtype of acute lymphoblastic leukemia is present. Identifying the subtype increases the accuracy of your doctor's predictions about the course and severity of disease.

At the doctors

If you or your child have certain symptoms, a visit to your doctors is advised. Identifying diseases early often makes them easier to manage and increases the chances of successful treatment.

During your appointment, you may be asked about your medical history and for a description of any changes that you may have noticed. Your doctor might perform a physical examination of any areas that are swollen, bleeding, or bruised, and check for possible signs of infection.

Depending on the outcome of this assessment, your doctor may also want to take a blood sample to perform some initial blood tests.

Initial blood tests

Chemical profile
  • Shows the amount of specific chemicals in the blood to assess the health of the liver and kidneys.
Complete blood count
  • Shows the number of each group of blood cells present (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets).
Blood smear
  • Identifies changes in the appearance of cells under a microscope, which may indicate the presence of disease.

Referral to a specialist

If your doctor feels that further tests are needed, a referral to a specialist may be made. This will most likely be a hematologist (a doctor who has undertaken specialist training in diseases of the blood). The hematologist will go over the results and may suggest that further tests are performed.

These tests may include:

Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy

A sample is taken from the spongy marrow in the middle of the bone, normally from the hip.

In the case of a bone marrow aspiration, the sample will be a liquid, whereas in a biopsy, a small section of bone filled with marrow will be collected.

Bone marrow is where many blood cells are produced. Taking a sample from here can allow a hematopathologist (a specialist who studies blood cell diseases by looking at samples of cells and other tissues) to see what type of cells are being made and in what proportions. Cells that look unusual can be spotted using this test and classified according to any changes seen.1

Lumbar puncture

This test is used if there is a concern that the leukemia may have spread into the brain and spinal cord. It assesses the number of cells in the fluid that bathes these organs. It is performed by inserting a needle into the base of the spine and drawing out some fluid.2

Lab tests

Further laboratory tests may be performed on the blood and bone marrow samples to diagnose and/or determine the specific type of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

  • Reveals information about the type of cells present by exposing the cells to chemical dyes that only react with certain types of leukemia cells. This causes a color change that is visible under a microscope.2
Flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry
  • Allows the identification of leukemia cells by detecting specific proteins (known as antigens) on the surface of your cells. Different types of cells have different proteins, and the identification of these markers show scientists what type of acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells (B, T, or mixed) are present in the sample. This can tell doctors what specific type of acute lymphoblastic leukemia is present.1
Genetic testing
  • Acute lymphoblastic leukemia comprises several distinct genetic subtypes, identifying which subtype is present can help doctors make a diagnosis and inform treatment decisions.
  • A range of different techniques will be used to examine the leukemic cells for abnormalities affecting the chromosomes and/or genetics. This will help determine the genetic subtype of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Further blood tests

There are some serious conditions associated with cancer that can occur. More blood tests may be performed to monitor for the conditions listed below, so that the best treatment can be provided as soon as possible.


While imaging is not essential for a diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, it can be used to give a clearer picture of the health of your organs and show if the cancer has spread. They can also help to diagnose infections. You may have one or several forms of imaging performed.

This, in turn, can help predict the response to treatment. You may have one or several forms of imaging performed.


This is ideal for assessing soft tissue and fluid within the body. It uses high frequency soundwaves to create a dynamic image. This may be used to check your liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. The function of the heart may also be checked using a specialized form of ultrasound called echocardiography.

Computed tomography (CT) scan

A method used to visualize what is going on within the body and spot any changes from normal that might indicate how far the cancer has spread. This scan also provides information on the health of multiple organs, particularly the head and chest.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Like a CT, an MRI scan takes pictures of the whole body from multiple angles, using magnetism and radio waves. 

For acute lymphoblastic leukemia, there is often no need for an MRI, but your doctor may suggest one if you have symptoms of:

  • Leukemia that has spread to the central nervous system
  • Bleeding in the central nervous system6

Once you or your child has a diagnosis, some of these tests may be repeated to show how you are responding to treatment.


1. Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Diagnosis. Accessed Mar 20, 2025.

2. Cancer Research UK. Seeing your GP when you have symptoms of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Accessed Mar 20, 2025.

3. American Cancer Society. Tests for acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). Published Oct 17, 2018. Accessed Mar 20, 2025.

4. Cancer Research UK. Referral to a specialist for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Accessed Mar 20, 2025.

5. Cancer Research UK. CT scan for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Accessed Mar 20, 2025.

6. Cancer Research UK. MRI scan for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Accessed Mar 20, 2025.

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What is acute lymphoblastic leukemia?Causes & symptomsDiagnosisTypesTreatmentPrognosisRemissionRelapse

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