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What is the most difficult part of being a caregiver for someone with acute lymphoblastic leukemia?

Sharon Cohan

October 31, 2024

Know ALL was pleased to speak to Sharon Cohan, a patient advocate from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, US. We asked,What is the most difficult part of being a caregiver for someone with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)?

Cohan discussed results from a poll conducted by Know ALL, which revealed that mental health impact is the most difficult aspectof being a caregiver for someone with ALL. Cohan explains the difficulties faced by caregivers and how the situation can become more challenging as time goes on. The caregiver may be involved in administering medicines and direct patient care, in addition to providing emotional support, which can cause stress and trauma.

Cohan also touches on the positive sides of caregiving, which can include a greater appreciation of life, stronger familial relationships, and being able to prioritize the most important things in life.