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What would make ALL research more accessible to patients and their caregivers?

Anthony Moorman

May 21, 2024

KnowALL was pleased to speak to Anthony Moorman, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. We asked, What would make ALL research more accessible to patients and their caregivers?

Moorman begins by discussing traditional ways of communicating research to patients and their caregivers, such as open days and lay summaries, and why these may not be the most appropriate way of delivering information.

Then, he explains why having an intermediary, such as a patient organization, could be useful to communicate research using materials that are relevant to patients and their caregivers. Moorman discusses the patient and public involvement panel which is being developed in his group, which can explain research to patients in an easy to understand way and allow patients to provide their feedback. It is key for researchers to collaborate with patients to understand how they can provide access to information in the most useful way.